Name: Heather Yourex
Age: 26
Favourite Quote:
"We live in the gaps between the stories" -Margaret Atwood
Song for the Trip's Soundtrack:
"Speaking in Tongues" - Michael Franti & Spearhead
I'm going to South Africa because...
Last weekend I heard someone else sum it up the best. Desi came out to talk to us about why he went to the Congo last month, why he's gone to Africa several times now. And, like a good little reporter, I wrote his quote down. He said, "I needed to see what was going on. I needed to allow that to start changing and impacting me." We hear about what's going on in Africa, we hear about the AIDS pandemic, the poverty, the orphans. Usually we hear about whats happening from the news - through people like me - but how do we connect to that? How do we go from hearing about it and doing nothing... to being moved by whats happening in a way that propels us into action. That's why I'm going... to see what's going on - to allow it to start changing and impacting me. Maybe I'll find a way to share what I see - so that you can be changed and impacted too!
Favourite Place to be: Anywhere there is sunshine or music!
Is addicted to... Writing, Diet Pepsi ... and facebook.
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