Name: Michelle Rowland
Age: 18
Hometown: London, Ontario
Is.... a student at the University of Calgary
Favourite Quote: "We shall never know all the good that a simple smile cando"-Mother Teresa
Song for the Soundtrack: "True Colours" - Kalan Porter & Teresa Sokyrka
Is going to Africa because.... It all started with my best friend, Jordan,going on a trip with Westside to Africa last year. She had trouble puttinginto words the experiences and feelings she had, but I knew from what shedid say that it was a life changing experience where she met some trulyinspiring and amazing individuals. When she returned to Africa last fall,we somehow stumbled upon the idea of me going to Africa as her mom wasleading a team! I was so excited to be able to experience the things Icould only imagine she experienced, and get a chance to make a differencein someone elses life, if even a tiny one. Before deciding to go toUniversity this year, I researched a couple different organizations (suchas UNICEF, Amnesty International, etc) in which I could possibly volunteerwith or do an internship with. I coulnd't find anything that worked for mysituation, so I gave up on the search...the proposition of going to Africawas, in a sense, what I had been looking for all that time! Anotherimportant reason as to why I am going, and something that was put intowords beautifully by Desi, is to share with others my personal "overflowof blessings". I have been given SO much in my lifetime (which I am verygreatful for - thanks mom and dad:) ) and to give something of myself backto others, if even a kind word of encouragement in a time of distress, issomething that I am humbled to be given the opportunity to do. Yet anotherreason enticing me to go was the idea that I can learn so much from thesepeople, as I expect them to teach me as much about life as I am to teachthem through the programs we are conducting there. I want to experienceall of the amazing stories I hear of Africa for myself, as I'm sure itwill be something that will give me a greater perspective of the world welive in, and humanity in general. (Also a bonus about this trip- Part ofmy University degree is International Relations, so this is an experiencethat will undoubtedly help me out with my potential career pathway!)
Is known for " eating " in the kitchen
What makes her smile: Seeing other people happy
Age: 18
Hometown: London, Ontario
Is.... a student at the University of Calgary
Favourite Quote: "We shall never know all the good that a simple smile cando"-Mother Teresa
Song for the Soundtrack: "True Colours" - Kalan Porter & Teresa Sokyrka
Is going to Africa because.... It all started with my best friend, Jordan,going on a trip with Westside to Africa last year. She had trouble puttinginto words the experiences and feelings she had, but I knew from what shedid say that it was a life changing experience where she met some trulyinspiring and amazing individuals. When she returned to Africa last fall,we somehow stumbled upon the idea of me going to Africa as her mom wasleading a team! I was so excited to be able to experience the things Icould only imagine she experienced, and get a chance to make a differencein someone elses life, if even a tiny one. Before deciding to go toUniversity this year, I researched a couple different organizations (suchas UNICEF, Amnesty International, etc) in which I could possibly volunteerwith or do an internship with. I coulnd't find anything that worked for mysituation, so I gave up on the search...the proposition of going to Africawas, in a sense, what I had been looking for all that time! Anotherimportant reason as to why I am going, and something that was put intowords beautifully by Desi, is to share with others my personal "overflowof blessings". I have been given SO much in my lifetime (which I am verygreatful for - thanks mom and dad:) ) and to give something of myself backto others, if even a kind word of encouragement in a time of distress, issomething that I am humbled to be given the opportunity to do. Yet anotherreason enticing me to go was the idea that I can learn so much from thesepeople, as I expect them to teach me as much about life as I am to teachthem through the programs we are conducting there. I want to experienceall of the amazing stories I hear of Africa for myself, as I'm sure itwill be something that will give me a greater perspective of the world welive in, and humanity in general. (Also a bonus about this trip- Part ofmy University degree is International Relations, so this is an experiencethat will undoubtedly help me out with my potential career pathway!)
Is known for " eating " in the kitchen
What makes her smile: Seeing other people happy
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