Sunday, May 18, 2008

Meet the Team!

We're busy getting ready to go! Less than 3 weeks until we leave.

(left to right Ed Damour, Morgan Dalley, Barb Damour, Michelle Rowland, Saaraa Stainsby, Scott Rowland, Heather Yourex, Lisa Dalley, Jessica Harty, Bonnie Smith)

It's Your Time
What a celebration ought to be going on inside you at this moment. There ought to be a threefold celebration going on in your heart right now. First, you ought to look back over the times of obscurity, when He was plowing and fertilizing you, and thank God that you are still here to attest to His sustaining power. A lesser vessel would not have survived your testimony . Second, look around you at the blessings that you have right now. With a twinkle in your eye and a melody in your heart, thank God for what He is doing even at this moment. Your freshly cultivated ground is full of seeds and unborn potential. Who knows all that God has planted in you. He has begun a work - a good work - in you. Celebrate that every time you wake up in the morning. Look over your straw covered fields, fan back the birds of doubt and fear, and thank God. Breathe the fresh air into your grateful lungs, be glad just to be here

Third, you should celebrate what God is about to do in your life. Your heart ought to be thumping in your chest; your blood ought to be racing like a car engine about to peel rubber! You are about to step into the greatest harvest of your life The enemy knows that you are about to be harvested. Thatʼs why he fought you like he did. He realizes that this is your time. Don't you? A powerful prophetic move is about to explode over your life. Are you ready for the Word of the Lord that was spoken over you to come to pass? Get ready! Hurry, get your mind ready, change your clothes! Put on your shouting shoes! When the news thatʼs in your spirit gets to your mind, tears of joy will wet the runway for your take-off. Don't ever read about anyone else and wish you were him. Don't ever wish that you had lived at any other time. You were created for this moment-and this moment was created for you! Stop reading and look at the clock. Laugh to yourself and praise your GOD. Do you know what time it is? It's your time!

T.D. Jakes Devotional and Journal

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