There are so many opportunities to serve!
This week we've been training with the Home Based Care workers in Cork and Welverdien. Both communities are in great need.
On Saturday, the women on our team were a part of the young moms group in Cork. We shared stories of being moms and daughters. Leaders from the young mom's group in Masoyi, which is more established, came to support and encourage. God is at work here in the lives of these young women. They are a real inspiration to their peers and others as they deal with their own challenges. They bring their babies too so it's another wonderful opportunity to hold a baby!
Ed's tippy-tap demonstrations have been well received. It's a simple concept for hand washing and hygiene which will work well in the communities. What a blessing it is to be here and experiencing God's love, grace, and singing praises with the people of South Africa.
- Barb and Ed

This is Barb with her son, Mark Damour, who has been living and serving in Africa on and off again over the last few years. What a blessing for his parents to go on a team and see him in action and join him in sharing love with the Africans.
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